Environmentally Friendly and Economical: Alternative Housing Options

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With the rising cost of traditional housing, more and more people planning to buy property have started to look for ways to reduce the cost of buying it. This has contributed to the emergence of a new trend in construction – alternative housing.

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With the rising cost of traditional housing, more and more people planning to buy property have started to look for ways to reduce the cost of buying it. This has contributed to the emergence of a new trend in construction – alternative housing. 

Once it was hard to imagine that it was possible to live in a mini house with all amenities, or that a sea container could be adapted to the level of a comfortable villa. 

In this article, we will look at the most popular types of alternative living space and discuss all aspects of living in it. And let’s start with minimalist housing.

Tiny Homes: Minimum Space, Maximum Comfort

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The main plus of such housing is the price and mobility because it can be transported by hitching it to a car. There is a disadvantage – it is not suitable for everyone. It is advisable to consider these house alternatives for those who live alone or in small families. 


  • Price. A mini house costs up to $100,000. The price can vary depending on the set of features and design. There are even options for as low as $25,000.
  • Optimal use of space. All items and furniture are mobile and fulfill several functions.
  • Inexpensive utilities. The cost of running a compact home is low on its own. And if you add solar panels and a rainwater harvesting tank, the costs are even lower.


  • Difficulties with communications. The mobility of such housing provides for the search for connection to communications. However, there are option houses with increased autonomy. But they will cost more.
  • The need for additional investments. You will have to invest in providing hot water, heating, air conditioning, and other amenities.
  • Reducing household items. You will have to make do with a minimum of kitchen utensils and other household items. Minimal space and mobility of interior details will not allow you to have more. 

With the obvious advantages of housing, minuses are also enough. But if you are still tempted by alternatives living in a small but inexpensive house, you should consider other options. 

Shipping Container Homes: Durable Metal Housing

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The most ambiguous of the new housing ideas is a house made of shipping containers. But it is from such blocks that housing of the most diverse designs and purposes can be assembled. From a one-room flat to a two-story cottage or even an office.

Tempting, but before making any decision, it is worth studying the advantages and disadvantages of such housing. Let’s start with the advantages.


  • Price. Depending on how many containers were used, the price varies from $20,000 to $200,000. And 1 container can cost $10,000. 
  • Durability. Containers are designed to transport very heavy loads in a constantly fluctuating environment. A house assembled from such blocks will withstand any loads, as well as the tests of bad weather and harsh climate. 
  • Transportability. A container house can be moved from one place to another with the help of special loaders and cranes, having previously disconnected it from communications.


  • Difficult installation of household appliances. It is necessary to carry out expensive work on the installation of special electrical wiring. It will also have to buy special equipment for water pressure and flushing the toilet. 
  • Lack of space. One container can not offer enough space for the residence of one, and even more so for several people. And the installation of a structure of numerous blocks will significantly increase its cost and construction time.
  • The need to create amenities. Metal construction has the property to heat up and cool down a lot. To maintain a constant temperature inside, it is necessary to equip a complex system of air conditioning and heating.

Continuing exploring alternatives to expensive stationary houses, we’ll tell you about another interesting option for economical housing.

Prefabricated Houses: Environmentally Friendly and Speedy Installation

Source: Freepik

The technology provides for the assembly of structures from pre-manufactured parts. Such structures are of three types:

  • Manufactured homes. Sections of the structure are manufactured separately and assembled by professional craftsmen using specialized machinery on-site.
  • Kit homes. The parts and the construction itself are much simpler. They can be assembled by the owners themselves.
  • Modular homes. Sections are customized by the owner and installed on a fixed foundation. 

We will tell you more about all aspects of these housing options. 


  • Economical. The production of panels is arranged in such a way that it gives economic benefits due to the efficient use of materials and the purchase of raw materials from wholesale suppliers and manufacturers.
  • Installation speed. All parts of the prefabricated house are produced in factories. The process of assembling the structure on the site can take only a few days. 
  • Environmental friendliness. All stages of production of parts of modular houses are carried out using special technologies and environmentally safe materials.


  • Universal design. Most prefabricated houses are designed according to a pre-determined design. It can be difficult for the owners to adapt such housing to their needs.
  • Additional expenses. Before installing the structure, you need to prepare a plot (or buy one if you do not already have one). Conduct soil surveys and the possibility of connecting communications.
  • Lending difficulties. If you do not have enough of your own funds for a modular dwelling, it will be difficult to take a loan from the bank for its purchase. Most credit institutions do not issue construction loans for this type of property. 

As you can see, there are interesting alternatives to the houses that we are all so used to. In addition, they are cheaper, easier, and faster to erect, as well as mobile and convenient. The main thing is to take care of all the amenities and organize the space for you and your family in advance.

About Post Author

Andrew Leroy

Andrew Leroy is a writer for the Anisad.com blog with extensive industry experience. His articles provide readers with a unique perspective on the housing market, covering the latest trends, investment tips and creative ideas for improving spaces. A specialist in legal and financial aspects.

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